Venomous fishes pose a serious human threat with >50,000 envenomations per year. Prior to our work, we knew little about the taxonomic distribution of venomous fishes with estimates identifying 200 venomous fishes. Following the results of our phylogenetic and anatomical studies, more than 3,000 teleost species should be considered venomous, making fishes, not snakes, the most diverse group of venomous vertebrates. Research in the lab is now exploring fish venoms from multiple perspectives. From the venom side, we have begun transcriptomic and proteomic studies, and from the phylogenetic side, we have been exploring venomous groups in more detail.
Please explore the laboratory Publications for more of our research.
Examples of popular press:
June 6, 2016 - Kate Miller, The Kansas City Star, "Finding Dory in KC: The environmentally friendly way to enjoy blue tang fish"
September 1, 2006 - Brian Handwerk, National Geographic News "Venomous fish far outnumber snakes, other vertebrates, study says"
August 23, 2006 - Robert Roy Britt, "Study: Venomous fish outnumber snakes"
August 22, 2006 - Denise Grady, New York Times, Cover and Science Times Feature, "Venom runs thick in fish families, researchers learn"
August 22, 2006 - Denise Grady and Emily B. Hager, New York Times Video "Venom that swims"